The Calf Company Participation at UK Dairy Day 23

It’s been over a week since UK Dairy Day and what a busy day for the TCC Team! Thank you to everyone who come along for a brew and a biscuit while discussing all your calf rearing needs. On the day, our team members: Alan, Amy, Josh, Charlotte and Jacqui thoroughly enjoyed catching up with new and existing customers who visited the stand. TCC were one of the 270 trade stands in the UK’s leading free to attend dairy trade event. We could not mention some of the cattle lines results. Well done to all exhibitors 👏. A special mention goes to Riverdane Holsteins one of our customers on Champion Heifer  ‘ Riverdane Tatoo Ambrosia ‘. 

What did we have to offer on the day? 

Calf Housing: 

Overall, we had increased curiosity and interest in new calf housing ideas. On our stand itself there were calf cots displayed at the front which can either be single or doubled up due to welfare standards wanted paired calves.  

It is vitally important that the newborn calf is placed in a clean pen as soon as possible. This dramatically reduces the risk of the young calf contracting disease. The great advantage of these calf cots is that they can be wheeled out of the calf shed for cleaning and returned when dry. 

Our grouped housing systems (OCCB’S) were another main interest on the stand. Farmers are wanting a less labour-intensive system, while having the system purposely for the calf’s health too. Farmers are looking for a housing system that can perform in all weather conditions such as the latest heatwave aswell as performing just as well in colder, wet winter months. It has been good to see farmers looking & taking advantage of recent grant releases as we have had a huge interest in spring under the FETF grant, currently being fitted across the UK.   

🌐 To find out more about our Calf Housing check out our website here: 

Calf Housing – The Calf Company 

Milk Powder: 

On our stand we had all our powders on show, even our new bag design for platinum! Watch out for these on your next delivery. Our higher skim powders (Platinum 40 & Energy Plus) had a greater interest this year due to prices of skim steadily dropping month by month due to world commodity prices. Rearers are now starting to look for higher specs leading into the winter months with not only higher skim values for better digestion, but higher percentages of Crude Fat for extra energy levels especially with shorter days & longer nights over the upcoming months with lower vitamin D and E levels in calves during this period. 

🌐 To find out more about our Calf Milk Powder check out our website here: 

Milk Replacers – The Calf Company 

Calf Enrichment: 

The toys seemed to have a lot of interest due to being easy to install to your group housing, helping to reduce suckling amongst one another whilst also providing much needed interaction between calves. Customers are seeing the benefits of introducing these type of enrichment tools into their calf sheds! 

🌐 To find out more about our Calf Enrichment check out our website here: 

Calf Enrichment – The Calf Company 

In  2 weeks time TCC will be attending the Bath & West Dairy Show. Make sure you come see us in the Edmund Rack Pavilion.

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